British Values
Ashton Primary School
Statement of British Values
The government has defined British Values as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We promote these values through our school using the curriculum and additional activities. Underpinning our school values are the United Nations Rights of the Child and the school drivers of ambition, knowledge of the world and emotional awareness.
Value |
How We Promote It |
·We have an elected School Council who are chosen by their classmates, as well as Eco-committee, Online Safety champions and a Sports Captain who all contribute towards Pupil Voice Council. This is used as an opportunity to promote and teach about democracy and the electoral process. · We encourage children to take ownership and responsibility for different aspects of school life e.g. Head boy and Head girl, House Captains, Young Caretakers, Play leaders, Lunch Monitors, Eco Club, Librarians, etc. · Democracy is also promoted through additional PSHE lessons and assemblies.
· We have high expectations about pupil conduct and this is reflected in our Behaviour Policy. There are rewards for exhibiting good and caring behaviour through things such as Class Dojos, Star of the Day, Star of the Week and Headteacher Awards. Children are expected to reflect on their behaviour and the impact it has had on others if it has been deemed as unacceptable. · Through our school assemblies, circle time and PSHE children are taught how to earn trust and respect and are supported to develop a strong sense of morality; knowing right from wrong and doing the right thing even when it is difficult. · The local police officer/PCSO visits the school to talk to the children and explain about their role in society. · Learning mentors support children in their understanding of school policies.
· We have high expectations about pupil conduct and this is reflected in our Behaviour Policy and Single Equality Policy. · Through our school’s values, PSHE and circle time children are taught to respect each other, to be cooperative and collaborative, be supportive and to look for similarities while being understanding of differences. · Mutual respect is also promoted through additional PSHE lessons and assemblies. · Class and Playground Charters based on the UN Rights of the Child drive issues of mutual respect. · Learning mentors teach the basic skills such as turn taking and sharing.
Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
· We have high expectations about pupil conduct and this is reflected in our Behaviour Policy and Equality, Diversity and Cohesion Policy. · Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs is promoted through the Syllabus for Religious Education. Children learn about different religions, their beliefs, places of worship and festivals. The children’s work is displayed in the classrooms or around the school. · This is supplemented by assemblies (Key Stage and whole school), which also mark and celebrate significant religious festivals such as Ramadan and Diwali. · Visits are made by local religious leaders and children have the opportunity to visit places of worship.